Stairs For Cardio Fitness


Cardio is one of the most important aspects of my fitness journey. In my journey I realized that cardio is so very important, especially when it comes to my objectives for training in Boxing and martial arts like the Jiu Jitsu that I am active with as part of my lifestyle.


There are all sorts of ways to improve your cardio. But here I focus on stairs for cardi fitness. There is several stair stepper equipment like a stair climber fitness machine such as the life fitness stair climber. But for those can be costly if you don’t have a gym membership that includes this equipment.

There is a simple solution in the absence of this equipment that can be found almost anywhere: Staircases.

Staircases are readily available and free to use everywhere you look. Beginning with just a single flight and consistently walking up and down can kickstart your journey towards improved cardio and overall health. By maintaining regularity and gradually intensifying your routine, you can progress to running the stairs, unlocking the full potential of this effective workout.

Why Focus on Cardio?

In Jiu Jitsu as well as in pretty much any athletic sport or combat art, if you run out of gas cardio-wise, there can be dire consequences. You can be superior physically and even technique-wise with an opponent, but without good cardio, all your opponents to do is survive long enough until you gas out. When you are gassed, the result is usually getting submitted by a chock to unconsciousness of some sort of limb-lock. When you are exercising, walking or running you won’t reach your goal.

Similarly, in our everyday activities like gardening, playing with our kids, rearranging objects, walking back and forth at work or even navigating an airport, having strong cardiovascular health plays a crucial role.

Benefits of good Cardio

Then there are more importantly the health benefits of good cardio.

  • Improved heart health and reduced risk of heart disease.
  • Enhanced lung capacity and stamina.
  • Weight loss and improved metabolism.
  • Mental health benefits like reduced stress and anxiety.
  • Better Blood Circulation: Improved cardio fitness enhances blood flow throughout your body, ensuring your muscles and organs receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to function optimally.
  • Lower Blood Pressure: Regular cardiovascular exercise can help lower high blood pressure, reducing the strain on your heart and decreasing the risk of hypertension.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: Engaging in regular cardio activities can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep, contributing to better overall rest and recovery.
  • Increased Insulin Sensitivity: Cardiovascular exercise can improve your body’s ability to use insulin, which can help manage or prevent type 2 diabetes.
  • Enhanced Brain Function: Cardio exercise has been shown to boost cognitive functions like memory, attention, and processing speed, thanks to improved blood flow to the brain.
  • Boosted Immune System: Regular cardio workouts can strengthen your immune system, helping your body to fight off infections and illnesses more effectively.
  • Improved Mood and Reduced Depression: Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. This can help alleviate symptoms of depression and improve overall mood.
  • Better Sexual Health: Cardiovascular fitness is linked to improved sexual function in both men and women, potentially reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction in men and enhancing sexual arousal in women.
  • Increased Longevity: Engaging in regular cardio exercise is associated with a longer lifespan, as it helps to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.
  • Enhanced Muscle Health: While primarily known for its benefits to heart and lung health, cardio fitness also helps in maintaining muscle strength and functionality, especially as you age.

So, it is very important that cardio is included in your fitness journey, if not for the additional benefits of your sport objectives, more for the health benefits.

I stress that, as with all fitness activities, you start out slow. It’s a marathon not a sprint. This way you can moderate the activity so that you don’t overtax yourself, and make it more reasonable to maintain consistency, which is the key to progress.

What do I do for my Cardio?

Recognizing the crucial role of cardio in my fitness journey, I’ve always integrated various activities into my routine to enhance cardiovascular health. I experience all the benefits that I outlined above.

Having been a runner for many years, maintaining my cardiovascular fitness into my later years comes more naturally to me. However, for those of you embarking on this journey, the path won’t be as straightforward. You’ll encounter challenges that are difficult for me to fully comprehend, and you must be prepared to face the discomforts that come with striving for consistency in your progress. Even today, I must diligently maintain my routine, facing the ever-present challenges that apply to all of us, regardless of experience level, be it seasoned athletes like myself or beginners.

My current regimen includes outdoor walks and runs, as well as treadmill sessions, cycling on stationary bikes at the gym, and jump roping. Among these, stair climbing stands out as a core element due to its widespread availability.

Choosing Stairs Over Convenience: Elevating Fitness One Step at a Time

Despite the convenience of escalators and elevators, particularly for ascending multiple floors, their presence can sometimes encourage a preference for ease over effort. Personally, I see choosing stairs over elevators for short distances to combat this tendency towards convenience. For example, I opt for the stairs when I need to go up just one floor.

My focus, especially for seniors and beginners, is on the benefits and techniques of stair climbing. Through my YouTube channel, I share my stair running experience and offer advice for those looking to incorporate stair climbing into their cardio routine.

Getting Started

A proper warm-up is essential before beginning, as is starting at a pace that feels manageable yet slightly challenging. It’s important to find a balance that allows for consistency in your practice.

On my YouTube channel, you’ll notice how I’ve adapted my stair running routine to suit my age—I’m 71 years old. For those over 50 or in my age group it’s essential to understand that my physical condition is the result of years of dedicated training. If you’re just embarking on your fitness journey, whether you’re a senior or someone younger, it’s crucial not to measure your goals against my current fitness level or that of anyone else.

Setting Realistic Fitness Goals: Inspiration, Not Imitation

There are many fitness influencers with impressive achievements, and while they can serve as great sources of inspiration, it’s important not to set your sights on matching their levels immediately. My own fitness level, suitable for my age, comes from a lifetime of training. For someone who hasn’t had the opportunity to train extensively, the challenges are significantly different.

I encourage you to draw motivation from my journey to kickstart and maintain your fitness routine. However, I aim to set realistic expectations for beginners, focusing on your individual journey. Your goals should embrace the long-term process of improvement, acknowledging that results come with time and dedication. Regardless of age, consistent effort will lead to personal advancements, distinct from those you might see in others.

Stair Climbing Equipment vs. Actual Staircases

While stair climbing equipment offers a solid cardio workout, I advocate using actual staircases for numerous reasons. Accessing such equipment typically involves significant expenses, whether purchasing it outright or securing a gym membership. Indeed, these machines can be beneficial. However, for many embarking on their fitness journey, these may not be viable options, and the commitment to a fitness center schedule could hinder workout consistency.

On the other hand, staircases are ubiquitous and entirely free. Although I do utilize equipment at the gyms I visit, I find myself opting for staircases more frequently. Their accessibility allows for daily use, fitting seamlessly into my schedule without the excuse of equipment availability or gym timings.

For those looking to reap the benefits of actual stair climbing, I invite you to visit my YouTube Channel. There, you’ll find guidance on how to begin your stair climbing journey safely and progressively, ensuring you can consistently enjoy the cardio benefits and overall health you deserve.


In conclusion, my approach to fitness is all about achieving a naturally fit body, which encompasses activities like stair climbing. I encourage distancing oneself from the unrealistic expectations often set by social media and television, many of which rely on special supplements not sustainable or safe in the long run.

Adhering to natural supplements, a balanced diet, and measuring your progress through personal achievements within a natural fitness lifestyle ensures ongoing health. This philosophy extends to stair climbing, treating it as an integral part of a holistic and sustainable fitness journey that emphasizes steady progress.

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